If it's your first time trying acupuncture...

Or just your first time with us,

You probably have some questions.

Here we have tried to answer some of the most common questions.


Treatment: What to Expect

For your initial consultation, the acupuncturist needs to assess your general health. You will be asked about your current symptoms and any treatment you’ve received so far. It is also important to gather detailed information about your medical history and that of your family, your diet, digestive system, sleeping patterns and emotional state. The purpose is to identify what needs to be addressed in order to target your specific complaint, and to boost your overall vitality.

Stimulation of specific areas affects the functioning of various organs. However, those areas may not be close to the part of the body where you are experiencing a problem. For example, if you suffer from headaches, needles may be inserted into your foot or hand. There are 365 specific acupuncture points on the body, and an unlimited number of empirical points that have been found over the centuries to address specific symptoms. Often during the course of a few sessions, different points will be selected as the patient’s condition changes.

Ideally you can wear loose, comfortable clothing to receive acupuncture treatment, and gowns will be provided if needed. Acupuncturists often need to access points on your torso, arms and legs. It also helps to be in a calm state. Try to arrive a few minutes early for your appointment to give yourself a chance to relax.
Try to avoid the following:

  • Fasting for more than six hours before your appointment

  • Caffeinated drinks immediately prior to treatment or just following a treatment

  • Please avoid wearing perfumes/colognes/strongly scented cosmetics out of consideration for others

Length, number and frequency of sessions varies according to your situation. For most conditions, a series of several sessions is necessary to achieve the maximum benefit.

A typical series of sessions consists of 6 to 12 visits, once or twice a week initially, with sessions lasting 45 to 75 minutes each. Acute conditions, such as sprains, generally require less time and frequency, whereas more chronic or severe ailments may require several (or several dozen) sessions. Appointments are scheduled further and further apart after the optimal response has been achieved. Some people experience great benefits from weekly or monthly sessions.

The length of each acupuncture session varies depending on your condition. Typically, your first visit will be longer than your subsequent visits.

Patients normally feel relaxed and calm. You may feel tired or drowsy for a few hours if the experience is particularly strong. You may also experience a short-term flare-up of symptoms in the healing process. After a session, it is a good idea to sit quietly and relax. A gentle walk or very mild exercise can also be helpful. When possible, avoid vigorous exercise, alcohol and stressful situations for a few hours after your treatment, to let the acupuncture take effect and for these effects to last longer.

I am proud to offer my services to our service members. 
Because acupuncture can have a positive effect on those suffering from physical wounds as well as the mental stress of a deployment, I feel a strong connection to my Veteran patients.  I encourage veterans and their family members to reach out if you’re experiencing suffering and are open to exploring how acupuncture can benefit your overall recovery. 

Since the beginning of Covid-19,
a number of things are different in my process and schedule
Now that the mask mandate has been lifted, it is no longer required to wear a mask in this clinic.
The following protocols are still in place:

Please note:
I have been fully vaccinated and continue to get regular boosters

  • Every treatment room has a HEPA/UV-C filter running at all times during treatments. The lobby has
    a HEPA filter running throughout the day as well.
  • I will continue to wash all points of contact surfaces between patients
  • Essential oils to help all of us stay protected against URI contagion are sprayed regularly

At this time, if you have any upper respiratory (URI) symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who has had URI symptoms or verified Covid-19 in the past 5 days prior to your scheduled appointment, I sincerely hope that you will stay at home until you have recovered.

There is no risk free scenario in an active medical practice. As new variants and surges in Covid and other communicable URIs continue to emerge, it remains important take these factors into consideration before exposing yourself to certain environments. However, if you are comfortable with the risk, you are welcome to come in for treatment.

Thank you for your understanding.
If you have other questions or concerns feel free to email me at [email protected].
You can also call or leave a message at (360) 666-1070 or by texting my cell phone at (360) 904-3113.
Thank you for thinking of Starfire Herbs & Acupuncture for your health and wellness needs.
~Laurie Solomon L.Ac.


Acupuncture treatment is covered by many in-state health insurance policies. Laurie Solomon is contracted with many insurance companies, and will bill for you if your plan carries acupuncture coverage. Since 1996, Washington State law has required that all insurance companies providing coverage in this state must carry a plan that covers acupuncture. Call your carrier to find out about your plan coverage. Ask how many acupuncture visits you are covered for, and what your copay and deductible is. If your plan doesn’t cover acupuncture, ask why it doesn’t! By letting your doctors and insurance companies know of your positive results from receiving acupuncture therapy, we can exert the kind of support and pressure which drives decision-making…


Acupuncture treatment is covered by many in-state health insurance policies. Laurie Solomon is contracted with many insurance companies, and will bill for you if your plan carries acupuncture coverage. Since 1996, Washington State law has required that all insurance companies providing coverage in this state must carry a plan that covers acupuncture. Call your carrier to find out about your plan coverage. Ask how many acupuncture visits you are covered for, and what your copay and deductible is. If your plan doesn’t cover acupuncture, ask why it doesn’t! By letting your doctors and insurance companies know of your positive results from receiving acupuncture therapy, we can exert the kind of support and pressure which drives decision-making…

Insurance Coverage:
Update 2025

Veteran’s Administration / Triwest Healthcare with a referral/authorization
Kaiser Self-Referred CHP, and with an Authorization
Regence Blue Shield, Blue Cross, Anthem, Premera and Lifewise, if the plan covers acupuncture, which
some out-of-state Employer-funded or Union-funded plans do not.
Regence FEP (Federal Employees Plan)
Regence SEBB and PEBB
Molina Apple Health of Washington
Molina Exchange policies of Washington:
– Molina Apple Health (Medicaid) policies do not cover acupuncture. There is an option annually to choose Complementary Health Plans of Washington (CHPW) Medicaid instead of Apple Health. CHPW does cover acupuncture, and this clinic is in the CHPW network. Call Washington State Health Plan Finder to find out if it’s possible to switch plans outside of the open-enrollment period.
APWU postal workers
First Choice Health
First Health Network
Pacific Source
United Healthcare:
United Healthcare MedAdvantage Part C “ROUTINE acupuncture” only; “BASIC Acupuncture ” plans will not cover acupuncture services performed at this clinic.
Part B plans and Part C BASIC acupuncture plans only cover acupuncture done at a Medicare covered office by or under the supervision of an MD for chronic low back pain only.
Regence Blue Cross and Blue Shield: Most plans will cover acupuncture, although each state and employer agreement will vary. MedAdvantage plans can also vary, and Part C plans usually cover acupuncture, and Part B plans usually don’t.
This clinic is not in network with Humana or Cigna or Health Net
Cigna members usually have out-of-network benefits, so a superbill will be provided for the patient to submit to Cigna for reimbursement.
Humana plans generally do not, and neither do Health Net plans.

USAA; It is still unknown whether their MedAdvantage policies cover acupuncture in this clinic.
No L&I / Worker’s Comp claims are taken at this time, although for low back pain acupuncture is covered
in Washington and Oregon, so it’s possible to get acupuncture for on-the-job injuries with other
acupuncturists, and I am happy to give you names of other acupuncturists in the area to call.
Motor Vehicle Accidents all cover acupuncture; If your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) is still active,
then your auto insurance is billed directly by the clinic. If this has been exhausted, or you chose to refuse
to have PIP coverage, then the clinic needs to either wait for payment until your claim is settled, or else
your private insurance can be billed directly, regardless of who the at-fault driver was.
Feel free to call and ask about this, and I am happy to steer you in the direction of experienced legal
advice, should you have a need for that type of information.

This list is not all-inclusive.
Also, if your deductible “applies” to/for acupuncture therapy, and if your deductible has not been met at
the time when you come in for acupuncture therapy, then the “allowed” amount of the billed charges that
your insurance company applies toward your deductible will be the member’s responsibility to the
Starfire Herbs & Acupuncture clinic.

Have a question not covered here?

Let us know so we can add it!